
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deadly Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker

Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker in the code or NATO is the fourth-generation fighter jet engined double-made Soviet Union (now Russia) and designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, was able to fly as far as 3530 km, has a heavy armament, Avionics sophisticated and highly agile maneuvers. Aircraft with similar capabilities that belongs to America is the Boeing F-15 Eagle.
Having a series of sustainable production in variants like the Su-30 Flanker, Su-33, Su-34 and Su-35 final, able to operate in any weather conditions and can be placed in the aircraft carrier. Sukhoi Su-27 to be excellent in many countries because of its combat capabilities are fairly heavyweight but sales by Russia, which was a lot of obstacles not unlike similar products such as the F-15 Eagle and F/A-18 E / F Hornet is only sold to countries that pro-US course.

Sukhoi project started from 1969 when the Soviets know that the USAF (U.S. Air Force) to develop a program that generates FX fighter aircraft F-15 Eagle and the head of the Soviet Union realized that the new American fighter has a technological advantage over the Soviet combat aircraft owned and therefore The Soviet General Staff issued a requirement for PFI (Perspectivnyy Frontovoy Isteribel), ambitious specification for a fighter with the ability to fly long, capable of flying dilandasan hard, excellent agility, speed and heavy armament Match 2. Aerodynamic design largely carried out by TsAGI (Tsentralniy Aerogidrodinamicheskiy Institute) and the Sukhoi Design Bureau.

When the specification proved too challenging and expensive for a single plane in the desired amount, then the PFI specification was split into two namely LPFI (Lyogkyi PFI / Lightweight PFI) and TPFI (Tyazholyi PFI / Heavyweight PFI). LPFI program produces MIG-29 and Sukhoi OKB TPFI assigned to produce Su-27 and its derivatives, PFI program is similar to the FX program America where the result is the F-15 Eagle to heavyweightnya and F-16 Fighting Falcon as Lightweightnya and subsequent derivative is F / A-18 Hornet.Sukhoi Design increasingly modified to approach the specification of the F-15 Eagle and comes prototype T-10 Flanker D (Sukhoi to ten with a delta wing design) ng it first flew on 20 May 1977, having an airplane that big delta wing is cut, dual jet engines separated by a tunnel like a F-14 Tomcat which also serves as a store of weapons and radar enhancements and protective double wing. developed as seen by a spy satellite test center in Zhukovsky near the town fligt Ramenskoe, believed to be a password Ram-K is a project with two versions of the aircraft version of swing-wing aircraft like the F-14 Tomcat and the design of the double seat fixed-wing aircraft that is expected is Mikoyan Mig-31. T-10S is called by the West and NATO as the Flanker-A fatal accident on 7 May 1978 and finally got a revision and re-re-design and be able to make the first flight on 20 April 1981 but again got a fatal accident on 23 December 1981.

The production of Sukhoi Su-27, Su-27s sometimes (Flanker-B in NATO code) began to enter operational service VVS (Voenno Vozdushnye Sily) / Soviet Air Force in 1984 despite the difficulties of manufacturing shadowing until 1986. Su-27 entered service PVO (Protivo Vozdushnoy Oborony) / Soviet Air Defence Forces and the Frontal Aviation as an interceptor aircraft to replace old aircraft like the Su-15 and Tupolev Tu-28. although the Su-27 has air-to-surface attack capability in tugasn yes but more as Interdictor titanic battle with the target air tankers or NATO AWACS which aims to limit NATO's role in air defense campaign, and also in the service of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Su -27 has a long-range missiles Vympel R-37, known as "AWACS Killer" and the Novator K-100 missiles if it is ready. From 1986 a special Su-27 with code P-42 which took the base of the prototype T-10S-3 rebuilt to reduce the minimum weight and maturity mpuan to climb and reached a record altitude where as many as 35 new records achieved from 1986 to 1988. The basic design and aerodynamics are similar to the MiG-29 but with larger bodies, this is a very large aircraft which are used to minimize the weight of the aircraft about 30% Titanium material and no composite materials are used. forms that are not fully delta wing and cut to put the missile rails and two-wing design of a conventional tail fin tail d itambah dynamic lateral stability. Using double jet engines Lyulka AL-31 F turbofan wide security reasons and to ensure uninterrupted flow of air through the intake plane, the space / tunnel between the engine also serves as an additional weapon storage also reduces the burden of the wing. guided movable vanes in the intake helps to reach speeds of Match 2 and assist the flow of air at high pressure in the engine, the mesh screen on the intake to keep no matter particle m asuk into the engine during take-off.
Su-27 is the first Soviet aircraft using control systems technology Fly-by-Wire is developed based on experience in project bomber Sukhoi OKB Sukhoi T-4 combined with a relatively low wing load da n the basis of strong flight controls makes the plane very agile, controlled and even at very low speeds and high angle of attack. Famous maneuver of the Sukhoi Su-27 Pugachev Cobra is a maneuver that is dynamic and the movement of a brief slowdown in the 120 ° position angle of attack. Thrust vectoring has also been tested that will be used on the Su-30MK and Su-37 model which allows the aircraft to perform hard movements without a radius and turn upside down vertically without limit. indeed this excess is not owned by Sukhoi competitors in the U.S. in the fourth-generation aircraft in which the scourge was not brave fighter maneuvers or climb upside down because of air turbulence can turn off the engine until the plane crashed and the new American F/A-18 adopt the latest aircraft E / F Superhornet and the next generation.

Aircraft carrier variant is the Su-27k or Su-33 incorporates Canard to help lift the aircraft during takeoff and reduce takeoff ak jar in Russia Admiral Kuznetsov carrier because the ship did not have a slingshot, the use of canards also used on later aircraft such as Su-30S, Su-35 and Su-37.
In addition to agility Su-27 also has a storage capacity of a large internal fuel, in the overload configuration for maximum range capable of carrying 9400 kg of internal fuel, but maneuvering the aircraft to be limited because the normal limit is 5270 kg of fuel.Su-27 armed with a single 30 mm cannon GSH-30-1 Gryazev-wingroot Shipunov on the right and there are 10 hooks for arms and other standard Armament is the Vympel R-73 missile (AA-11-Archer), Vympel R-27 (AA -10-Alamo) and the latter series is already using the guide Infra Red. Selanjutanya variants like the Su-30, Su-35 and Su-37 using the Vympel R-77 missile (AA-12-Adder).Su-27 also has a high contrast tuneable HUD (Head-Up Displays) and Helmet Mounted Displays abilities.

Su-27 is equipped with radar Phazotron N001 Zhuk coherent pulse-doppler radar with tracking capability as well as scan and look down / shoot do wn. OLS-27 aircraft has Infra Red Search and Track (IRST) placed in the nose of the aircraft with the range of 80 -100 km which can also be combined with laser rangefinder, the system can also be integrated with the radar until he could launch a missile tracking stealth aircraft (R-27 and R-73) and also can control the cannon so that it can get shots like the radar accuracy.Radar to be a serious problem in the development of the Su-27 because of Soviet ambitions in order to produce a radar that can reach a radius of 200 km against bomber Tu-16 (16 m² RCS) is the same as 1-ton radar phased array radar Zaslon's MiG-31 fighter aircraft.
Development of radar also has a complicated issue because until 1982 Myesch abandoned the program because of inability to develop radar, radar finally took the basic design of the N019 radar Topaz with a larger version of the array twist cassegraine's MiG-29, as a result the present radar signal processor N001 with TS100 N001V N019's successor while wearing TS101M signal processor's successor N109M radar and radar could only reach 140 km range against Tu-16 and can only engage one target and this is the case even new N001 radar can be applied starting in 1991 when the Su-27 has been present since 1986 and some say also that the Su-27 is the product failed and got a further refinement on the Flanker series and only four countries to be operators of the Su-27 Russia, China, Vietnam and Indonesia.

The first series is the N001 Tikhomirov (NIIR) N001 NATO code is Back Slot as a pulse-doppler radar with the ability to ggunakan bad as outdated processor, for many years under the lead designer of Professor VKGrishin N001 radar has been upgraded many times so that a new variant N001V, N001VE, N001V EP has been applied to the aircraft including export versions. Professor VKGrishin is the creator of Radar Zalson S-800 Passive phased array radar on the MiG-31 and began to contribute his expertise on the design of radar arrays N001 series next.