
Monday, June 27, 2011

Deadly Boeing CH-47 Chinook

Boeing CH-47 Chinook was originally designed and manufactured by Boeing Vertol in the early 1960s. The helicopter is now produced by Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Chinooks have been sold to 16 countries including the U.S. Army and Royal Air Force (Boeing Chinook variant of English) as the largest user. Its main roles include troop carriers, artillery and supply the equipment on the battlefield. has a wide door at the rear of the aircraft carrier and three external hooks. 
Boeing CH-47 Chinook is a heavy transport helicopter with engine and dual front and rear rotors. with a top speed of 170 knots (196 mph, 315 km / h) despite having a great body and length. More than 1179 built to date.
In the 1956's, the Department of the Army announced plans to replace the CH-37 Mojave, which is supported by a piston engine, the engine turbine helicopter engine baru.Turbin also become a key design feature of a small helicopter UH-1 Huey. followed the design competition, in September 1958, Army and Air Force along with the source selection board recommends procurement Vertol helicopter transport medium. However, funding for full-scale development is not then available, and the army swayed on design requirements. Some Army aviation corps think that the new helicopter should be a light tactical transport missions aimed at taking over from an old helicopter H-21 and H-34, and capable of carrying about fifteen soldiers (one platoon). Another faction in the army aviation corps think that the new helicopter should be larger to be able to transport a large part of the artillery, and also enough to bring new weapons MGM-31 "Pershing" Missile System. 
Vertol began work on a tandem rotor helicopter just as the Vertol Model 107 or V-107 in 1957. In June 1958, the U.S. Army awarded a contract for the aircraft Vertol YHC-1A. YHC-1A has a capacity for 20 troops, three were tested by the Army to get engineering and operational data. However, the YHC-1A is considered by most users of the Army is too heavy for the role of attack and too lightweight for the role of transport. This decision was made to obtain a more heavy transport helicopter and at the same time there is an upgrade UH-1 "Huey" as a tactical troop transport. YHC-1A will be improved and adopted by the Marines as a CH-46 Sea Knight in 1962. The army then ordered the larger Model 114 under the designation HC-1B. Pre-Production Boeing Vertol YCH-1B conduct initial flight flew on 21 September 1961. In 1962 HC-1B was renamed CH-47a under the 1962 United States Tri-Service aircraft designation system.
The name "Chinook" offensive to the people of the Pacific Northwest Chinook. CH-47 is powered by two turboshaft engines, mounted on each side of the back of the helicopter and connected to the rotor by the driveshafts. Initial model is equipped with a 2200 horsepower engine. Counter rotating rotors eliminate the need for anti-torque rotor vertical, which allows all personnel to be used for lift and thrust. The ability to customize the lift rotor makes it less sensitive to changes in the center of gravity, it is important for the role of the cargo lift. If one engine fails the other of failing to control rotor.ukuran Chinook Huey directly related to development. Army's push to focus on both Huey and Chinook and are responsible for the acceleration of the air mobility effort. 
Improved and more powerful version of the CH-47 has been developed since the helicopter entered service. The first major leap in design is a U.S. Army CH-47D, which began operating in 1982. Improvement from the CH-47C including engine upgrades, composite propellers, a redesigned cockpit to reduce pilot workload, increase and redundant power systems, advanced flight control systems and avionics enhancement [10] is the latest generation of mainstream CH-47F,. featuring some great upgrades to reduce maintenance, digital flight controls, and is powered by two Honeywell-powered engines 4733 horsepower.
A commercial model Chinook, the Boeing Vertol Model 234, is used worldwide for logging, construction, fighting forest fires, and support the operation of petroleum extraction. On December 15, 2006 Columbia Helicopters company in Salem, Oregon, metropolitan, buy a Certificate of Type 234 models from Boeing. Chinook has also been licensed to be built by a company outside the United States, such as Elicotteri Meridionali (now AgustaWestland) of Italy, Kawasaki in Japan, and a company in England. 
  • HC-1B: pre-production prototype as the model 114.
  • CH-47a: all-weather helicopter Chinook CH-47a was originally powered by a Lycoming T55-L-5 2200 horsepower (1640 kW) engine but was later replaced by the T55-L-7 2650 hp (1980 kW) or engine T55-L- 7C 2850 hp (2130 kW). CH-47a has a maximum gross weight of 33,000 pounds (15,000 kg). Delivery Prime Chinook CH-47a for the U.S. Army in August 1962. A total of 349 units.
  • ACH-47a: a special variant that serves also as an assault helicopter, carrying five ACH-47a M60D 7.62x51 mm machine gun or rifle caliber M2HB 50, provided by the XM32 and XM33 armament subsystems, two M24A1 20 mm cannon, two XM159B/XM159C 19 2.75-tube rocket launchers or sometimes two guns M18 / M18A1 7.62 × 51 mm, and a single M75 grenade launcher 40 mm in XM5/M5 armament subsystem (more commonly seen on the UH-1 series helicopters). The plane is still alive, Easy Money, has been restored and exhibited at the Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
  • CH-47B: CH-47B is a temporary solution while working on the Boeing CH-47C. CH-47b machine is powered by two Lycoming T55-L-7C 2850 shp (2130 kW). with the blunt pole rotor rear, redesigned asymmetrical rotor blades, and strakes along the rear door and the fuselage to improve the characteristics. equipped with two door mounted M60D 7.62 mm machine guns on the sub weaponry NATO M24 and M60D using the M41 armament subsystem. Some CH-47 "bomber" who are equipped to drop tear gas and napalm from the rear cargo road to the NLF (Vietcong) bunker. CH-47 can be equipped with a hoist and cargo hook. Chinook proved especially valuable in aircraft recovery missions. The "Hook" the recovery of approximately 12,000 aircraft worth over U.S. $ 3.6 billion during the war. 108 built.
  • CH-47C: CH-47C has a more powerful engine and transmission. Three versions of the "model C" was built. The first has a Lycoming engine T55-L-7C provide 2850 shp (2130 kW). The "Super C" including the Lycoming T55-L-11 3750 shp engine gives (2800 kW), with a maximum gross weight upgrade 46,000 lb (21,000 kg) and pitch stability augmentation system (PSAs). Because of difficulties with the engine T55-L-11 are immediately brought to war to increase payload, while removed from the "Super C" prior to 1970 and T55-L-7C highly reliable Lycoming was mounted to L-11 engine trouble could be measured and improved. configuration of L-7C engines familiar called "baby C" although it is still the Super C. It distinguishes itself from the "C" in that it has been PSAs and uprated maximum gross weight. CH-47 A, B, and all variants of C can not receive certification from the FAA for civilian use because the drive increased the non-redundant flight hydraulic system. A redesign of the drive increases the hydraulic system incorporated in the CH-47D that allows that to achieve FAA certification as the Boeing Model 234. 233 CH-47C was built. 
 Royal Air Force variant of the CH-47C Chinook HC1 and variants are called exports to Italy called the CH-47C +.
    CH-47D: Model CH-47D was originally powered by two engines T55-L-712, but most are now equipped with T55-GA-714A. Model CH-47a, 47b-CH, and CH-47C, all using the same airframe, but later models featuring upgraded machine. With triple-hook cargo system, CH-47D can carry heavy payloads internally and up to 26,000 pounds (eg, bulldozers and 40-foot / 12 mm container) externally, at speeds over 155 mph (250 km / h). The peak aircraft cruising speed 163 mph (142 knots). D-model was first introduced into service in 1979. In air assault operations, often serves as the prime mover of the M198 155 mm howitzer, 30 rounds of ammunition, and crew of 11 people. Like most U.S. Army helicopters, Chinook has advanced avionics and electronics, including the Global Positioning System.
    Almost all models of military production CH-47D is the conversion of the U.S. Army A, B, and C models with a total of 472 previously converted into D-model. U.S. Army D-production model last sent directly to the U.S. Army Reserve, located in Fort Hood, Texas, in early 2002.
    Royal Air Force version of the CH-47D Chinook HC2 and known as HC2A. While the CH-47SD (also known as "Super D") is a modified variant of the CH-47D, with extended range fuel tanks and carrying a higher payload capacity. CH-47SD is currently used by the Republic of Singapore Air Force, Army and Army Greece Republic of China. CH-47DG is an upgraded version of the CH-47C to Greece.
    In 2008, Canada bought six used CH-47D to the Canadian Helicopter Force Afghanistan from the United States worth U.S. $ 252 million. Helicopters sent to Canadian troops on December 30, 2008. MH-47D: Variant MH-47D was developed for special forces operations and air refueling capability, rope rappelling system and other upgrades. MH-47D used by the U.S. Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. 12 MH-47D helicopters are manufactured. 6 is the conversion of the model CH-47a and 6 is the conversion of CH-47C model. 
    MH-47E: The model is currently used by the U.S. Army Special Operations are the MH-47E. Beginning with E produced a prototype model in 1991, there were a total of 26 Special Operations Aircraft produced. All aircraft assigned to the 2-160th SOAR (A) "Nightstalkers" based at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Model E conversion of an existing model CH-47C airframes. MH-47E has the same ability as MH-47D, but includes increased fuel capacity and radar avoidance / terrain follower like variant CH-47SD. 
    In 1995, the Royal Air Force ordered eight Chinook HC3, more effective, cheaper version of the MH-47E for the role of special forces operations. delivered in 2001 but never entered operational service due to technical problems with the avionics suitable / specific to the HC3. In 2008, began work downgrade HC3 to HC2 standard to be used in units. 
    CH-47F: CH-47F, upgraded D model, first flew in 2001. The first production model was launched on June 15, 2006 at the Boeing facility in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, and its maiden flight on 23 October 2006. CH-47F is designed to extend the Chinook-class service until 2030. Among the new Honeywell-powered engine upgrades 4868 horsepower, Avionics repair and upgrade the airframe with a larger part to reduce the number of parts and increase speed. The new construction will reduce vibration, eliminate points, joint flexibility and reduce the need for inspection and repairs and reduce maintenance costs. It is also expected to increase the service life. CH-47F can fly at speeds over 175 mph (282 km / h) with a payload of more than 21,000 lb (9530 kg). upgraded avionics including cockpit Rockwell Collins Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) and BAE Systems' Advanced Digital Flight Control System (DAFCS). 
    Boeing has delivered 48 F-model helicopters for the U.S. Army, on August 26, 2008, Boeing announced that the Army has signed a five-year contract, worth more than U.S. $ 4.8 billion for 191 units, plus 24 options in February 2007. The Netherlands is the first international customer to order a model of F, six helicopters were ordered to expand their current fleet to 17. These helicopters will be equipped with an upgraded version of the cockpit Honeywell Avionics Control Management System (ACMS). The Netherlands also plans to upgrade 11 CH-47D to CH-47F configuration On August 10, 2009, Canada signed a contract for the purchase of 15 CH-47F for delivery Ditahun 2013-14, entered service with the Canadian Forces after the planned withdrawal of combat operations in Afghanistan
    On December 15, 2009, the British government announced the helicopter's future strategy, including the purchase of 24 CH-47F Chinooks will be sent from 2012. In April 2009 Australia asks seven CH-47F and CH-47F ordered seven on March 20, 2010. The aircraft is scheduled to replace the CH-47D six Australian Army between the years 2014 through 2017. 
    MH-47G: Special version of the MH-47G Special Operations Aviation (SOA) is currently being sent to the U.S. Army. similar to the MH-47E, but has a more sophisticated avionics including digital Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS). CAAS is a glass cockpit which is commonly used by different helicopters such as MH-60K / L, CH-53E / K, and the ARH-70A. MH-47G will also incorporate all the new CH-47F.
    Based on operational experience in Afghanistan, the CH-47 was found to be an effective substitute for the UH-60 Black Hawk as a helicopter assault. With greater payload, range, and higher operating speeds, a Chinook can replace up to five UH-60 in the role as a transport air attack. 
    This new modernization program will enhance the MH-47D and MH-47E Special Operations Chinooks with the design specifications MH-47G. A total of 25 MH-47E and 11 MH-47D aircraft will be upgraded by the end of 2003. In 2002 the army announced plans to expand the Special Operations Aviation Regiment. The expansion will add 12 additional helicopters MH-47G. 
    HH-47: On November 9, 2006, HH-47, a new variant of the MH-47G Chinook based, chosen by the United States Air Force as the winner of the Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR-X). Four HH-47 development was built, with the first of 141 production aircraft are planned to enter service in 2012. But in February 2007 award of a contract comes under scrutiny by the GAO, and ordered to recompete USAF CSAR-X project. In February 2010 the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the HH-60G helicopters long. Air Force put the requirement for a second SAR helicopter war and calling for a larger helicopter.
    CH-47 export version: CH-47J variants specific to the Japan Ground Self Defence Force with CH-47JA sub variants with larger fuel tank for long trips, made by Kawasaki with license from Boeing and the HH-47D variant version of the SAR for the Air Ankatan South Korea. 
Civilian variants:

Model 234LR (long range)
Model 234ER (extended range)
Model MLR (multi-purpose long range)
Model 234UT (utility transport)
Model 414 / CH-47D Chinook International 

General characteristics

Crew: 3 (pilot, copilot, flight engineer)
  •         Troops or 33-55
  •         24 litters and 3 attendants or
  •         28.000 lb (12.700 kg) cargo
    Length: 98 ft 10 in (30.1 m)
Rotor diameter: 60 ft 0 in (18.3 m)
Height: 18 ft 11 in (5.7 m)
Disc area: 5.600 ft2 (2.800 ft2 per rotor disc) (260 m2)
Empty weight: 23.400 lb (10.185 kg)
Loaded weight: 26.680 lb (12.100 kg)
Max takeoff weight: 50,000 lb (22.680 kg)
Powerplant: 2 × Lycoming T55-GA-712 turboshaft, 3.750 lb (2.796 kW) each 


Maximum speed: 170 knots (196 mph, 315 km / h)
Cruise speed: 130 kt (137 mph, 220 km / h)
Range: 400 NMI (450 mi, 741 km)
Ferry range: 1.216 NMI (1.400 mi, 2.252 km)
Service ceiling: 18.500 ft (5.640 m)
Rate of climb: 1.522 ft / min (10.1 m / s)
Disc loading: 9.5 lb/ft2 (47 kg/m2)
Power / mass: 0:28 hp / lb (460 W / kg) 

  • up to three pintle mounted, medium machine guns (one on the loading ramp and 2 at shoulder windows), Generally 7.62 mm (0308 in) M240/FN MAG machine guns