
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Deadly Chengdu J-10 by China

Army and Weapons | Deadly Chengdu J-10 by China | PLAAF aircraft Chengdu J -10 is the fourth-generation multirole fighter-made china developed since 1988 by the Chengdu, for 5 years of testing, test and training, finally in March 2003 J-10 passed the test to become a military aircraft in China. Resmii operated for the first time China's military in July 2004 at the Fleet Air Yuanan Prov. While the two series-10S A new crew officially in 2005. Aircraft Industries Corporation as a continuation of the Chengdu J -9 aircraft project. At first the development of J-10 is assisted by Israeli aircraft in the technology side bebobot lightweight, aerodynamic design, systems control "fly-by-wire" inspired by a prototype fighter aircraft made by Israel IAI Lavi. After the tragedy of Tiananmen began in 1990 china embargoed by the United States and the West Country. Mid-1990s Russia helped the development and supply of turbo jet engines Lyulka AL-31 F as the engine driving the jet.
And during 2004 to 2006, about 100 units of samples berpenumpang a crew and two crews that have been submitted to the PLA-AF. And China is estimated to require about 300 aircraft for the Air Force needs China. Sophistication and a cheaper price to make countries in the world to start very interested to order J-10 aircraft, as Paskitan, Iran and Thailand. And in March 2007, Chief of Pakistan Air Force St ap order of 32 to 40 units of J-10 fighter that will be delivered in 2009.
However, in 2005 the PLA air force tried to replace the turbo jet engine with a homemade jet engine that is Woshan WS-10 A Taihang turbofan previously created for a prototype fighter Shenyang J-11 and setela h through a series of trials began to be used officially began in 2006.
J-10 can do battle in the air and surface attack. The aircraft has 11 external hook for the various weapons. Or it can bring the target acquisition, navigation pods or fuel tanks berpenuntun tambahan.sedang PL-12 radar-homing air-to-air guided missile and PL-8-infrared missile tracker. To attack the surface of the J-10 took up to six laser guided bombs of 500 kg, 90-mm conventional bombs. The aircraft is also equipped with a single barrel 23-mm cannon.J-10 is equipped with pulse-doppler radar fire control, to be able to track 10 targets simultaneously and attack four of them. Estimated maximum detection range is 100 miles. The aircraft is also equipped with a fly-by wire system.
Variants that have been produced are:

J-10 A: The first variant is still a Russian turbofan engines.
J-10 S: variant as a trainer aircraft with a single seat or double seat.
J-10 B: a variant with the latest improvements and new machinery homemade.
J-10 c: variant carriers base the possibility powerful twin engines of the future.
FC-20: new variant of Pakistan jointly developed countries.
Airframe and AvionicsConstructed from metal alloys and composite materials for strength and low weight, aerodynamic layout of the fuselage-wing configuration was adopted "tail-less delta canard". A large delta wing mounted in the middle toward the back of the plane, while a pair of canards (or foreplanes) are mounted higher and toward the front of the plane, behind and under the cockpit. This configuration provides a very high agility, especially at high speeds. A large vertical tail is present on the plane and a small belly fins under the fuselage provide further stability.
A rectangular air intake located under the fuselage, providing air supply to the engine. Also under the wing of the plane and there are 11 hook, used to carry various types of weaponry and an additional tank containing extra fuel.Landing gear consists of a pair of steering wheel under the air intake and two main gear wheels at the rear of the plane.
The cockpit is covered by two parts kanopicembung that provide 360-degree visual coverage for the pilot. appointed to the upper canopy mechanism for entry and exit. Control plane takes the form of a conventional center stick and throttle stick to the left of the pilot. also include the function of "Hands On Throttle And Stick" (Hotas) control. A zero-zero ejection seat is provided to pilots, enabling the bringing-up safe in an emergency even at zero altitude and zero speed.
AvionicsFlight Control SystemBecause the aerodynamic design of J-10 is not stable, digital flight control system quadruplex-redundant fly-by-wire to help the pilot fly the plane. Aircraft designer of China Yang Wei claimed to be the lead designer of the flight control system of a fly-by-wire, although this is disputed by the analysis of Richard Fisher who stated that the consultant who developed the system of Israel. flight control computer provides automatic flight coordination and keep the aircraft from entering potential dangerous situations such as accidental spills or slipping. because This frees the pilot to concentrate on tasks defined during the battle.
Instrument flightInformation is provided visually to the pilot through three LCD Multi-function (MFD) in the cockpit. Chief designer Han Zhou flight instrumentation panel in charge of both design of CRT display in the early stages of development and design of the LCD then the currently adopted by the J-10 in his duties.
LCD display panel at the latest to enter service after 2000. LCD displays and CRT displays prior to J-10 (as used WZ-10, J-11 and JH-7) produced by Suzhou Long Wind Plant Machinery, later reorganized as the AVIC Radar and Avionics Equipment Research Institute.
In addition to flight instrumentation, a hol ogram head-up display (HUD) China is also present. HUD shows the importance of aviation and war-related information such as targeting cues. It can also be used as radar coverage, this feature is believed to be inspired by Russian aircraft HUD, which allows the pilot to keep his eyes focused at infinity while working with his radar. Monochrome images of electro-optical avionics pods (FLIR and targeting pods) can also be displayed on the HUD. HUD is designed to overcome the problems with HUD Russian aircraft, which experienced significant problems when the fogging will digun in tropical and humid zones in China, because they were originally designed to be placed in the dry Arctic regions / sub-Arctic zone. The modular design of the HUD system databus architecture and the use of MIL-STD-1553B allows HUD from the West to be integrated if desired by the user.
Electronic WarfareAn internal set of electronic counter-measures (ECM) had been due to attend, which can be equipped with an active jammer pods carried as external BM/KG300G the hook plane. Besides a pod KZ900 signals intelligence (SIGINT) can be brought to reconnaissance missions.
An infra-red search and track (IRST) system developed by Sichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Corporation, Hongguang type-I (Rainbow Light-I) Electro-Optical Radar integrated with J-10. This is the third generation using the optronics system antenna with the ability to focus HgCdTe infra-red imaging (ImIR). Receiving certification on March 3, 2005 and subsequently entered service with the PLAAF, the system was announced to the public one year later at a conference in China's Sichuan province, where the system is demonstrated to the visiting officials. Based on the limited information released, Hongguang Type-I has a maximum range of 75 km.
Although Hongguang Type-1 is designed to be lighter and more compact than similar Russian system that can be mounted on the nose J-10 while leaving sufficient room for a suitable radar, current production model J-10 did not have enough space and must carry an external version in one of the hook plane. However, recently released a variant of the modification of the J-10 with what is believed to be the IRST device mounted to the upper right side of the nose (depending on variant). Hongguang Type-I is also designed to be compatible with Chinese fighter J-11 Shenyang, Shenyang J-8 and Xian JH-7, as well as the Xian H-6 bombers and fighter planes China-Pakistan JF-17.
According to officials Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation J-10 uses a multi-mode radar fire-control designed in China. The radar has a scan mechanism and the planar array antenna capable of tracking 10 targets. Of the 10 targets tracked, two can move together with radar homing missile semi-active or 4 can be actively involved with missile-tracking radar.
Radar is believed to be designed by the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET), with the name of KLJ-10 and the smaller variant is claimed to be installed on JF-17 fighter aircraft. Trust is based on technology from Russia, Israel, or a combination of both, the radar should be comparable to Western fighter aircraft radar design in the 1990s. It also may be replaced with other more advanced radar in the export version of J-10. FIAR Italy (now SELEX Galileo) Grifo 2000/16, has offered to Pakistan Air Force for installation on a J-10, On June 14, announced by Chinese state media that the version of the J-10 has been equipped with a radar array in stages.
In the exhibition of China's military-related technology, a helmet-mounted display (HMD) system developed by Chinese organizations have been displayed. It is believed that the J-10 that is integrated with such a system to assist pilots in aircraft targeting musuh.J-10 also appeared in photographs and models bring FILAT (Forward-looking Infra-red Laser Attack Targeting) pod for targeting the laser targets and Sky Blue forward looking infra-red (FLIR) pod for flight in low visibility.

General characteristics
  •     Crew: 1 (basic), 2 (trainer variant)
  •     Length: 15.5 m (50 ft 10 in)
  •     Wingspan: 9.7 m (31 ft 10 in)
  •     Height: 4.78 m (15.7 ft)
  •     Wing area: 39 m² (419.8 ft²)
  •     Empty weight: 9,750 kg (21,495 lb)
  •     Loaded weight: 14,876 kg (32,797 lb)
  •     Useful load: 4,500 kg (9,920 lb)
  •     Max takeoff weight: 19,277 kg (42,500 lb)
  •     Powerplant: 1× Saturn Lyulka AL-31FN orWS-10A Taihang turbofan
        Dry thrust: 79.43 kN / 89.17 kN (17,860 lbf / 20,050 lbf)
        Thrust with Afterburner: 122.5 kN / 132 kN (27,557 lbf / 29,101 lbf)

  •     Maximum speed: Mach 1.9 at altitude, Mach 1.2 at sea level
  •     g-limits: +9/-3 g (+88/-29 m/s², +290/-97 ft/s²)
  •     Combat radius: 550 km (341 mi)
  •     Service ceiling: 18,000 m (59,055 ft)
  •     Wing loading: 335 kg/m² (69 lb/ft²)
  •     Thrust/weight: .89

  •     Guns: 1× 23mm twin-barrel cannon
  •     Hardpoints: 11 in total (6× under-wing, 5× under-fuselage) with a capacity of 6,000 kg (13,228 lb) external fuel and ordnance
  •     Rockets: 90 mm unguided rocket pods
  •     Missiles:
  •         Air-to-air missiles : PL-8, PL-9, PL-11, PL-12
  •         Air-to-surface missiles : PJ-9, YJ-9K
  •     Bombs: laser-guided bombs (LT-2), glide bombs (LS-6) and unguided bombs
  •     Others:
  •         Up to 3 external fuel drop-tanks (1× under-fuselage, 2× under-wing) for extended range and loitering time