Army and Weapons | Deadly Eurofighter Typhoon | Eurofighter Typhoon is the fourth-generation multirole fighter aircraft with delta wing design and Canard artificial joint consortium of European nations in Eurofighter GmbH, Eurofighter GmbH Holding Company consists of three leading aeronautical companies such as Alenia Aeronautica (Italy), BAE Systems (United Kingdom), EADS (France, Germany and Spain) which was formed starting in 1986. The project is managed by the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency. Until now Typoon already used in the British Royal Air Force, Germany Luftwaffe, Italian Air Force, Spanish Air Force and the Austrian Air Force as well as Saudi Arabia has signed purchase contracts worth U.S. $ 9.5 billion for 72 units different from the Dassault Rafale aircraft that has not produced a contract in one negarapun although its development is done together at first.
In 1979 British Aerospace and Messerschmitt Bolkow Blohm offer a formal proposal to the government each to form the ECF (European Collaborative Fighter), and in October 1979 Dassault joined and form a tri-national study that became known as the European Combat Aircraft as the beginning of aircraft development and the name was embedded in the Eurofighter aircraft. However, each making its own prototype, France with the ACX, UK with P.106 (Design of lightweight single-engine fighter / similar to Jas 39 Gripen) and P.110 (dual engine design), but the Royal Air Force refused P.106 design for reasons of cost effectiveness with twin engines. West Germany made TFK-90 concept, but in 1981 the ECA project went bankrupt due to various reasons and different needs, Dassault urged to lead the design and asked Britain to give a reference using RB-199 jet engines that are new or jet engines Snecma M88 them.
In April 1982 Panavia partners (BAE, MBB, Aeritalia) launched the program again ACA, ACA design is very similar to the concept P.110 BAE, has a Delta wing, the Canard and twin tail and a striking difference is the replacement of the airways (air intake) in addition to positions on the chin aircraft, the engine uses a modified version of the RB199 jet engine. Government of Germany and Italy to withdraw funds and UK Ministry of Defense agreed to fund 50% and the rest will be borne by the industries involved. MBB and Aeritalia signed up to produce two planes, one at Warton and one on the MBB, In May 1983 BAE announced a contract with the Ministry of Defense for the development and production of an ACA demonstrator or the Experimental Aircraft Programme.
In 1983 Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain launched the Future European Fighter Aircraft (FEFA), this aircraft has a system of STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) and the ability of BVR (Beyond Visual Range), in 1984 the French asked for more capabilities on a plane and want to dominate the leadership and the results are Britain, Italy and Germany came out and formed his own FEFA program. August 1985 in Turin Italy, West Germany and Britain agreed to continue fatherly Eurofighter program, pengunguman confirms also that the French and Spanish did not participate in the program, although it initially did not participate because of pressure spain france spain but reunited in September 1985. France officially announced his resignation and continue the shuttle program ACX again later we are familiar with the Dassault Rafale. In 1986 announced the program costs reached £ 180 million, and when the EAP program begins it should cost be borne jointly by the government and the three related industries but the third agreement the government began to waver and three industries (BAe, MBB and Aeritalia) was forced to issue a £ 100 million to the program keep it running, in April 1986 issued on BAe EAP BAe Warton and partially funded by BAe, MBB and Aeritalia. EAP first flew on 6 August 1986 and with various research and development for 5 years based on a design concept EAP Eurofighter.
The agreement is a British production of the initial 250 units, 250 units of Germany, Italy and Spain 165 units 100 units, part of the production process is divided into the proportion of industry in each country, BAe (33%), DASA (33%), Aeritalia (21% ) and CASA (13%). Munich in 1986 Eurofighter GmbH Jagdflugzeug established to manage project development and Eurojet Turbo GmbH an alliance of Rolls Royce, MTU Aero engines, Fiat Avio and ITP to develop jet engines EJ-200 turbofan, aircraft also called Eurofighter EFA at the end of 1980 and named EF 2000 in 1992.
In the 1990 election radar plane becomes a serious problem, Britain, Italy and Spain support the Ferranti Defence Systems / ECR-90 while the Germans chose based MSD 2000 APG-65 (made by Hughes, AEG and GEC-Marconi). An agreement was reached after UK Defence Secretary to convince the Germans that the British government will bear the cost and include GEC-Marconi in GEC Ferranti Defence Systems to withdraw from the development of MSD 2000. Eurofighter prototype maiden flight took place on 27 March 1994, chief test pilot Peter Weger of DASA test flight around Bavaria, and on 9 December 2004 the prototype Eurofighter Typoon IPA4 undergo three months of Cold Environmental Trial Test (CET) at the air base Vidsel, Sweden. The goal is menverivikasi operational behavior of aircraft and systems in temperatures between -25 and -31 degrees celecius. In May 2007 the Eurofighter Development Aircraft 5 successful first flight using CAESAR Demonstrator which is the development of technology combined with Euroradar Captor AESA (Active electronically Scanned Array). IPA7 inaugural flight was full in the second stage at EADS Manching airfield on 16 January 2008. The production version Captor-E radar is being proposed for the third stage of production Typoon from 2012, the second phase of not using AESA, mechanically scanned Captor-M radar includes a provision that allows the weight and space to upgrade CAESAR (AESA) Standard in the future. Italian Air Force doubted that the AESA radar will be ready in the third stage of production, in July 2010 Eurofighter mengungumkan that the AESA radar will be put into use in 2015.
In the 1990 election radar plane becomes a serious problem, Britain, Italy and Spain support the Ferranti Defence Systems / ECR-90 while the Germans chose based MSD 2000 APG-65 (made by Hughes, AEG and GEC-Marconi). An agreement was reached after UK Defence Secretary to convince the Germans that the British government will bear the cost and include GEC-Marconi in GEC Ferranti Defence Systems to withdraw from the development of MSD 2000. Eurofighter prototype maiden flight took place on 27 March 1994, chief test pilot Peter Weger of DASA test flight around Bavaria, and on 9 December 2004 the prototype Eurofighter Typoon IPA4 undergo three months of Cold Environmental Trial Test (CET) at the air base Vidsel, Sweden. The goal is menverivikasi operational behavior of aircraft and systems in temperatures between -25 and -31 degrees celecius. In May 2007 the Eurofighter Development Aircraft 5 successful first flight using CAESAR Demonstrator which is the development of technology combined with Euroradar Captor AESA (Active electronically Scanned Array). IPA7 inaugural flight was full in the second stage at EADS Manching airfield on 16 January 2008. The production version Captor-E radar is being proposed for the third stage of production Typoon from 2012, the second phase of not using AESA, mechanically scanned Captor-M radar includes a provision that allows the weight and space to upgrade CAESAR (AESA) Standard in the future. Italian Air Force doubted that the AESA radar will be ready in the third stage of production, in July 2010 Eurofighter mengungumkan that the AESA radar will be put into use in 2015.
The first production contract was signed on 30 January 1998 between Eurofighter GmbH, Eurojet and NETMA, the total amount of procurement is as follows: England 232 units, 180 units German, Italian and Spanish 121 units 87 units. Production re-allocated according to the procurement, BAe (37%), DASA (29%), Aeritalia (19.5%) and CASA (14%). On 2 September 1998 the naming ceremony was held in Farnborough UK, given the official name of the export version of the Typhoon, but only at first but opposed by Germany because of the same name Typoon Hawker aircraft RAF bombers during the war with Nazi Germany WWII, again proposed but rejected the name Splitfire again by reason of any aircraft the same name. In September 1998 signed a contract for 148 production aircraft unit in tranche (production stage) the first and the procurement of relatively long time until the second Tranche, in March 2008 the last plane of the first tranch submitted successively to the German Luftwaffe before the second tranche and at 21 October 2008 the first plane of order 91 aircraft in the second tranche has been delivered to RAF Coningsby.
In October 2008 the member states consider to split the 236 Eurofighter aircraft units in the third Tranche into two phases in June 2009. RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy suggested that the RAF's fleet of perhaps only 123 jets from 232 units are planned, in response to a reduction in the number of aircraft British PM Gordon Brown insisted Britain would move forward on the purchase of the third batch. A contract for the first tranche of 3a was signed in late July 2009 for 112 aircraft split to four partner countries, the UK 40 units, 31 units of Germany, Italy and Spain 21 units 20 units. 40 aircraft are said to cover the UK share in the project by Air Commodore Chris Bushell due to more cost given in the project.
In October 2008 the member states consider to split the 236 Eurofighter aircraft units in the third Tranche into two phases in June 2009. RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy suggested that the RAF's fleet of perhaps only 123 jets from 232 units are planned, in response to a reduction in the number of aircraft British PM Gordon Brown insisted Britain would move forward on the purchase of the third batch. A contract for the first tranche of 3a was signed in late July 2009 for 112 aircraft split to four partner countries, the UK 40 units, 31 units of Germany, Italy and Spain 21 units 20 units. 40 aircraft are said to cover the UK share in the project by Air Commodore Chris Bushell due to more cost given in the project.
Eurofighter Typhoon using lightweight construction made up 82% of the composite consisting of 70% carbon fiber composites and 12% glass reinforced composites with an estimated age of over 6000 flying hours. The aircraft can reach supersonic speeds and low with a high agility thanks to the control system digital quadruplex fly-by-wire which provide artificial stability for the operation of the manual is not enough, also as a warning to pilots not to perform a dangerous maneuver. Roll control is achieved by using flaperon wing, pitch control is by operation foreplanes and flaperons, yaw control with steering. control surfaces moved through two independent hydraulic system incorporated in the aircraft that also provides various other items such as brakes, canopy and wheel plane. any hydraulic system powered by an engine-powered gearbox 4000 psi.
Bisamenggunakan Navigation GPS and inertial navigation systems, Typhoon also using ILS (instrument landing system) for landing in bad weather. The aircraft uses an integrated defense system Aids sub-sytem called Praetorian (formerly called EuroDASS), threat detection using the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and Laser Warning Receiver (LWR), but only in english version only and Typhoon aircraft protection using chaff, and flares Jaff , Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) and towed Radar Decoy (TWD). Praetorian automatically monitor and respond to the outside world, provides the pilot with all priority assessments of air into the air and surface threats to air and can respond to single or double threat.
The aircraft is also equipped with a distance warning system to the ground referenced TERPROM Terrain Navigation (TRN) as used in the Panavia Tornado, but more enhanced and integrated into cockpit displays. Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) provides 16 data link. Eurofighter Typhoon has a glass cockpit with no conventional instruments, including three color display Multi-function Head Down Display (MHDDs) (with a format that is manipulated using sotkeys, XY cursor and voice commands (DVI)), Head Up Display (HUD) wide with a FLIR ( Forward Looking Infra Red), Voice and Hands on Throttle and Stick (voice + Hotas), Helmet Mounted System symbology (HMSS) or also known as "Electric Hat", Multi-Function Information Distribution System (MIDS), Manual Data Entry Facility (MDEF ) located on the left glareshield and integrated aircraft warning system Dedicated Warnings Panel (DWP), Reversionari instrument flying with LED lights located on the bottom right-hinged glareshield. The pilot uses a stick in the middle and stick the key in the left hand throttle, emergency exit using a Martin Baker ejection seat with two rocket motors.
Bisamenggunakan Navigation GPS and inertial navigation systems, Typhoon also using ILS (instrument landing system) for landing in bad weather. The aircraft uses an integrated defense system Aids sub-sytem called Praetorian (formerly called EuroDASS), threat detection using the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and Laser Warning Receiver (LWR), but only in english version only and Typhoon aircraft protection using chaff, and flares Jaff , Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) and towed Radar Decoy (TWD). Praetorian automatically monitor and respond to the outside world, provides the pilot with all priority assessments of air into the air and surface threats to air and can respond to single or double threat.
The aircraft is also equipped with a distance warning system to the ground referenced TERPROM Terrain Navigation (TRN) as used in the Panavia Tornado, but more enhanced and integrated into cockpit displays. Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) provides 16 data link. Eurofighter Typhoon has a glass cockpit with no conventional instruments, including three color display Multi-function Head Down Display (MHDDs) (with a format that is manipulated using sotkeys, XY cursor and voice commands (DVI)), Head Up Display (HUD) wide with a FLIR ( Forward Looking Infra Red), Voice and Hands on Throttle and Stick (voice + Hotas), Helmet Mounted System symbology (HMSS) or also known as "Electric Hat", Multi-Function Information Distribution System (MIDS), Manual Data Entry Facility (MDEF ) located on the left glareshield and integrated aircraft warning system Dedicated Warnings Panel (DWP), Reversionari instrument flying with LED lights located on the bottom right-hinged glareshield. The pilot uses a stick in the middle and stick the key in the left hand throttle, emergency exit using a Martin Baker ejection seat with two rocket motors.
DVI Typhoon system tapped Speech Recognition Modules (SRM) developed by Smiths Aerospace (now GE Aviation Systems) and then developed by Computing Devices (now General Dynamics UK) it is DVI the first system used in the military cockpit, DVI provides the pilot with fashion additional nature of command and control over the approximately 26 non-critical functions of the cockpit to reduce pilot workload, improve aircraft safety and expand the mission capabilities. An important technological breakthroughs during the development of DVI occurred in 1987 when Texa Instruments manufactures TMS-320-C30 Digital Signal Processor (DSP), a major advance in the packaging of DVI from large complex systems to a single module card. Early progress that could enhance the ability of the system, this project was continued in July 1997 with the development and assessment of pilots in the Active Cockpit Simulator Eurofighter BAE Systems Warton.

DVI is a speaker dependent system that requires each pilot to create a template, it is not used for these tasks are critical safety and weapons such as weapons or open a door down below but is used for the other cockpit functions. Voice command is confirmed by the vision and auditory feedback, the system is seen as the main design features in reducing pilot workload and even allows the pilot to set targets for himself with two simple commands or to one of his wingmen with only five commands. In the standard plane G-force protection provided by clothing Full Cover Anti-G Trousers (FCAGTs), this special was developed to provide protection up to 9g pressure. Typhoon Pilot German and Austrian air forces wearing a G hydrostatic called Libelle (Dragonfly) Multi-G plus it also provides protection to the arm, theoretically providing a complex of stress tolerance G.
Armament * Guns: 1 x 27 mm Mauser BK-27 cannon with 150 rounds Revolver. * Hardpoints: a total of 13: 8 under the wings, a 5-under fuselcage with freight load 7500 kg max. * Missiles: * Air to Air Missiles: AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-132 ASRAAM, AIM-120 AMRAAM, IRIS-T, MBDA Meteor. * Air to Surface Missiles: AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-88 HARM, Storm Shadow / Scalp EG, Brimstone, Taurus KEPD 350, Penguin and AGM Armiger. * Bombs: Paveway II / III / Enhanced Paveway Laser Guided Bombs, JDAM, HOPE / HOSBO. * Other tools: * Flares / Infrared decoys dispenser pod and chaff pod. * Electronics Counter Measures (ECM) pods. * Litening III Laser targeting pods. * Up to three drop tanks.

DVI is a speaker dependent system that requires each pilot to create a template, it is not used for these tasks are critical safety and weapons such as weapons or open a door down below but is used for the other cockpit functions. Voice command is confirmed by the vision and auditory feedback, the system is seen as the main design features in reducing pilot workload and even allows the pilot to set targets for himself with two simple commands or to one of his wingmen with only five commands. In the standard plane G-force protection provided by clothing Full Cover Anti-G Trousers (FCAGTs), this special was developed to provide protection up to 9g pressure. Typhoon Pilot German and Austrian air forces wearing a G hydrostatic called Libelle (Dragonfly) Multi-G plus it also provides protection to the arm, theoretically providing a complex of stress tolerance G.
Armament * Guns: 1 x 27 mm Mauser BK-27 cannon with 150 rounds Revolver. * Hardpoints: a total of 13: 8 under the wings, a 5-under fuselcage with freight load 7500 kg max. * Missiles: * Air to Air Missiles: AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-132 ASRAAM, AIM-120 AMRAAM, IRIS-T, MBDA Meteor. * Air to Surface Missiles: AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-88 HARM, Storm Shadow / Scalp EG, Brimstone, Taurus KEPD 350, Penguin and AGM Armiger. * Bombs: Paveway II / III / Enhanced Paveway Laser Guided Bombs, JDAM, HOPE / HOSBO. * Other tools: * Flares / Infrared decoys dispenser pod and chaff pod. * Electronics Counter Measures (ECM) pods. * Litening III Laser targeting pods. * Up to three drop tanks.