Army and Weapons | Deadly Sukhoi Su-34, The Fullback | The Sukhoi Su-34 (export designation: Su-32, NATO reporting name: Fullback) is a Russian twin-seat fighter-bomber. It is intended for the Sukhoi Su-24 replacement.

The Su-34 had a somewhat troubled and lengthy start. In the mid-1980s, Sukhoi began developing a new multi-role tactical aircraft to the swing-wing Su-24, a large number of somewhat conflicting requirements would take to replace. The agency therefore, the Su-27, which excelled in agility and range, and could carry a large load, as the basis for the new fighter. More specifically, the Navy trainer aircraft developed from the derivative of the Sukhoi Su-27K, the "T10KM-2". Internally known as "T-10V", the development was postponed to the end of the year 1980 by the suspension of construction aircraft carriers, this was the result of the enormous political turmoil experienced in the Soviet Union and subsequent disintegration.
In August 1990, however, a photograph taken by an officer TASS showed a plane making a dummy approach to Tbilisi. The plane, and then falsely labeled Su-27KU by Western intelligence services, made its first flight on August 13, 1990 by Anatoliy Ivanov to controls. Converted from a Su-27UB with the new striking nose, while retaining the main chassis of the earlier Su-27s, it was actually a prototype for the Su-27IB (Istrebitel Bombardirovshchik, or "fighter bomber"). It was developed in parallel with the two-seater trainer navy, the Su-27KUB, although, contrary to earlier reports, the two devices are not directly related. Flight tests in 1990 and continued in 1991.
In 1992, the Su-27IB on public display at the MosAeroshow (since renamed "MAKS Airshow"), where the refueling demonstrated an Il-78, and performed an aerobatic display. The aircraft was officially unveiled on February 13, 1992 in Machulishi, where Russian President Boris Yeltsin and the CIS leaders held a summit. The following year the Su-27IB was displayed again at the MAKS Airshow.
The next prototype, and the first pre-production aircraft, T10V-2 first flew on December 18, 1993 at the helm of Igor Votintsev and Yevgeny Revoonov. Built to Novosibirsk, where the Su-24's were built, this plane was visibly different from the original prototype, it was a custom vertical stabilizers, dual tandem main undercarriage and a more "angel", a rear-facing warning radar houses. The first aircraft built to production standard made its first flight on December 28, 1994. It was equipped with a fire-control system that was at the heart of the OKB-B004 Leninets designed radar. It was different enough from previous versions that the "Su-34" re-appointed. However, at the 1995 Paris Air Show, was assigned the Su-34 "Su-32FN" designation, signaling the plane potential role as a Navy shore aircraft. Sukhoi Su-34 also promoted as the "Su-32MF" (MnogoFunksionalniy, "multi-function").
Initially only a handful of pre-production models were built. Then in mid-2004 Sukhoi announced that low-rate production had begun and the first aircraft would reach squadron service around 2008. Nevertheless, upgrade programs continue for surviving Russian Sukhoi Su-24, such as the Su-34 is widespread service is not needed for some years to come.
In March 2006, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov announced that the government had purchased only two Su-34 for delivery in 2006, and plans to complete air regiment of 44 Su-34 have become operational by the end of 2010 . A total of 200 aircraft would be purchased by 2015 to about 300 Russian Su-24's, passing through modernization upgrades extending life. Replacing Ivanov claimed that because the aircraft is "much more effective on all critical parameters" the Russian air force will be much less of these newer bombers than the old Su-24 it replaces need. The Su-34 will also replace Tupolev Tu-22Ms.
In December 2006, Ivanov found that around 200 Su-34 were expected in service in 2020. This was confirmed by Air Force chief Vladimir Mikhaylov on March 6, 2007. Two Su-34 was delivered on January 4, 2007, and six more are provided by the end of that year. On January 9, 2008, Sukhoi Su-34 reported that the full-rate production began. At this time Russia is planned for about 24 Su-34 operational by late 2010. In June 2009 was awarded a five-year contract to Sukhoi Su-34 production.
The Russian Air Force plans to receive 70 Su-34 in 2015. It took another four Su-34 on December 28, 2010. A Russian military source announced in September 2011 that Air Force was testing before deployment of Su-34 finish. the model receives approval further tested by Air Force bomber units. The Russian Air Force to buy 120 Su-34 2011-2020. "Russian Air Force will acquire 120 Su-34 bombers.", August 17, 2011.
The aircraft shares most of its wing structure, tail, engine nacelles and the Su-27/Su-30, with canards like Su-30MKI/Su-33/Su-27M/35 to increase static instability (higher maneuverability) and to reduce trim drag. The unit has a completely new nose and forward fuselage with a cockpit side-by-side seating for a crew of two. The Su-34 is powered by the AL 31FM1, the same engines as the Su-27SM, but the maximum speed is Mach 1.8 + at the lower.
The Su-34 has a surface of three planform, with a conventional horizontal tail at the back and a pair of canard foreplanes in front of the wings for extra lift and maneuver more power. At the 1999 Paris Air Show of the aircraft, the Platypus due to the unusual shape of the nose nickname.
The Su-34 has 12 poles for up to 8,000 kilograms (17,635 pounds) of munitions, designed to the latest Russian precision-guided weapons to take. It retains the Su-27/Su-30's 30 mm cannon GSH-30-1. The Su-34 ammunition containing cargo subsonic and supersonic homing missiles and bombs glider, can destroy hardened and well-camouflaged targets at a range of up to 250 km.
The Su-34's most distinguishing characteristic is the unusually large flight deck. Much of the design work on the crew comfort. The two crew members sit side by side in a large cabin, the pilot-commander to the left and navigator / weapons operator on the right side of NPP Zvezda K-36dm ejection seats. An advantage of the cockpit side, is that duplicate instruments are not necessary for every pilot. As long missions require comfort, it is under such pressure that allows up to 10,000 meters (32,800 ft) without oxygen masks, which are available for emergencies and combat situations. The crew have room to move about the cabin during long missions. The space between the seats allows them to lie in the corridor, if necessary. A small toilet and a kitchen are located behind the crew seats.
Crew: Two
Length: 23.34 m (72 ft 2 in)
Wingspan: 14.7 m (48 ft 3 in)
Height: 6.09 m (19 ft 5 in)
Loaded weight: 39,000 kg (85,980 lbs)
Payload: 8,000 kg (17,600 pounds)
Max takeoff weight: 45,100 kg (99,425 lbs)
Powerplant: 2 × Lyulka AL-35F turbofans, 137.2 kN (30,845 lbf) with afterburner each
Maximum speed:
High altitude: Mach 1.8 (1,900 km / h, 1.180 mph)
Low altitude: Mach 1.2 (1,400 km / h, 870 mph) at sea level
Combat radius: 1.100 km (680 mi)
Ferry range: 4,000 km (2,490 mi)
Ceiling: 15,000 m (49,200 ft)